Zambia Railways Limited (ZRL) owns various properties (land and buildings) along the line of rail from Livingstone to Chililabombwe and along the Branch lines to Mufulira and Luanshya respectively. These properties comprise warehouses (goods sheds), guest houses, offices,residential properties and vacant land among others. Some of the properties are either leased out, owner occupied or are undeveloped/underutilized.
In an effort to unlock the huge development potential from the undeveloped/underutilized property portfolio, Zambia Railways Limited is desirous to enter into partnerships with various partners from both the public and private sectors to develop/redevelop the properties so as to attain the highest and best uses of the properties thereby maximizing the returns from the property portfolio in terms of rental income or capital growth. Some of the exciting opportunities that exist include the development of;
i. Dry ports to provide total logistical solutions
ii. Shopping malls
iii. Office parks
iv. Mixed use developments
v. Parkades, and
vi. Student accommodation.
Zambia Railways Limited is therefore ready to receive proposals from interested parties to partner with Zambia Railways Limited to develop/redevelop the various sites.